Characteristics of laser-induced plasma and its applications(2011-8-11)

题目:Characteristics of laser-induced plasma and its applications


摘要:Laser-induced plasma (LIP) represents today a frequently used spectroscopic light emission source. It provides in particular the basis of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), an elemental analytical technique which is currently developed for applications in a wide range of domains. Among them, one can mention the detection of toxic metallic elements in fresh vegetables, the classification and identification of bacteria, the automated sorting of plastic wastes or the surface elemental analysis/mapping of geomaterials. Recent investigations showed the necessity of considering LIP as a transient and non-point emission source to improve the performance of the applications. Time- and space-resolved diagnostics of the plasma is thus of fundamental importance for LIBS. In this talk, I will review our work on the investigation of the morphology and the evolution of the plasma. Suitable techniques have been used to cover different time scales relevant for the description of the plasma’s kinetics and dynamics. Detailed evolution and transformation of the plasma have been observed with high temporal and spatial resolutions. Particular attention has been paid to the effects of the laser parameters as well as the background gas. The applications of LIBS that we developed in Lyon will be then presented.


报 告 人: Prof. J. Yu


        间: 2011815 9:30

        点: 理学院二教504会议室

主办单位: 理学院

